Januari 11, 2012

Commercialounge | Export, inc. sheets for selling Coal Station of SEPCo, inc. - PT Grace Manunggal

Commercial Lounge | Export, inc. Sheets
Supreme Energies - Plantation Corporation, inc. - PT Grace Manunggal offers to you all, 
Steam Coal Station at East Borneo, Indonesia. predict of gross caloric value are 70.00 Kcal/Kgs. and more up. here they are our proposal with photos to invests studies ;

if you need information detail please write your tasking sheet at our mail box : SEPCo,inc. email or Maurice Duncan Koesoema email or PT Grace Manunggal email

many thanks for your visiting on our official blogsite of the Commercialounge | Export, inc. for your time too..

Sincerely yours,

Maurice Dun
Director of Export, inc. ( Indonesia )

Desember 26, 2011

Feint - Times Like These (Fracture Design remix)

Commercial Lounge | Export inc. wishes to all of you,

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year 2012

might the day of this Christmas is open wide to all of you to known each other and kept the peaceful of the heart..

April 17, 2011

ACFTA In Damaged

Commercialounge | Export, inc.

Cancellation ACFTA is an act which is not effective, it need
Indonesia pushed out will be the emergence of monopolies in southeast asia.
Indeed if we let the Chinese products flooding into indo then we
should have flooded the other countries which in fact is as export destination
China, like its American and European case. It was clear out rail
FTA agreement, but the outside thereof, the gov't should also push rates
domestic tax u / promote digit increase in exports out except
to china. With this current phase which
Gov't needs to release the grip of a bank against the doubtful debt central banks for the safety of this current imaginable, if govt from assumption tolerate small people with the same taxes like first, and an easy bank loans. Then the classical growth will increase beyond china. Adequate food and clothing as well as board and racing
Tertiary could develop in keeping with today's economic pace. If
we fixed on a country then we will lose our status to a level further down again

Weak management of the emergence of turbulence which will gov significant, rate economic and banking also can not do exploitation and restoration.
Therefore, the gov must complete the tasks that people can easily
return receive credit and emphasizes all industrial sectors for
cancel a tax increase or decrease taxes for the sake of safety
all the industrialists in Indonesia. Directly, we no longer expect china
as a destination because of ACFTA. However, indonesian products have been the belle of the whole of the world . Hopefully!

News Brewers by. Export inc. Indonesia 

April 12, 2011

Commercialounge | Export,inc. - world's need restart in sessions -

- world's need restart -
This programs starting out on march. Stag in many industries and more bad competition for surely. United States going down lower,as major and largest buying, they will sucks enough. Many sector has been collapse now. Why gov't still pushed on high cost revenue? Why gov't still moving on to killed potential mart?
If gov't still no moving in, the common isn't will do! Commonship still wait and see. Commonship isn't not go with a lot of bucks if gov't restored that managements!!

April 11, 2011

Commercialounge | Export, inc. Sheet 2

Buy Back: This is another form of Counter Trade (Barter Trade) which is used to finance direct investment in the Buy Back arrangements are usually developed countries provide machine tools or goods - goods paid by the project and the results of the project later.

Barter consignment: Similar the Counter Trade , unless the value of exports may be higher than imported goods so that the difference in price must be paid by the importer by way of transfers.

Enjoy your day tonight for think this situational and conditional of new trades

Commercialounge | Export inc.

Commercialounge | Export, inc. Sheet 1

Commercialounge | Export, inc.

it has been the start of a new beginning in 2011, the Commercial Lounge by. American Export Agencies in cooperation with the Export Incorporated - Indonesian Agencies Trading Agreement has agreed to the project committee. Some form of commodities from Indonesia Products Processed So - Ready to Wear or Processed Raw Materials Production for Industry in Asia Pacific in order to cope with global economic impact of several factors, which impacted on the protracted crisis.
The project is at the same time overcoming the social crisis that resulted in some sectors does not run properly. The project is based on economic needs at the level of Retail (Buyer Margin) we will describe the project Counter Trade (Barter Trade Economic Classes) and subsequently we have built needs to be industrialists we prepare for the following commodities;

- Fertilizer Urea / Fertilizers Organic for commercial crop
- Salt Kitchen / Salt Cook
- Wheat Flour
- Rice
- Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Processed / Raw
- Seafood / Fish Fresh
- Coal Industry needs
- Gold preparations (not bullion)
- Perfume
- ready-made Garment / Garment
- Textile (Ready Mix)
- Ceramic (Building Materials)
- So Timber
- Crafts
- Fresh Vegetables & Fruits
- Plastic ware
- Shoes - Sandals
- Bags / Leather Processed ready-made
- Coffee Processed / Raw Materials Raw
- Spices
- Tea Processed / Raw Materials Raw
- Rattan Processed / Raw
- Corn
- Tobacco Processed / Raw is already tanned
- Crude Oil Industry
- Fuel Vehicles / Aircraft
- Lubricants / Oils
- Paper Processing So
- Products Electronic / Electrical
- Spare Parts & Accessories Motor vehicles
- Bicycles
- Accessories for Women & Jewellery Imitation
- Food & Beverage

State of export destination of Indonesia's most prominent: Japan, United States, Singapore, Netherland, Canada, South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, United Kingdom, ROC, Australia, United Arab Emirates, etc. This shows that Indonesia is a producer of quality products and high quality and sought after by consumers International at a price high enough, cause the products of Indonesia has not reached the level of social needs of consumers throughout the current.

please note that, we move include;

- Export of Goods Makers (If you do not own export production)
- Export Merchants House (The purchase of goods from the manufacturer of goods

and specializes in trade with countries - some countries which require goods it)
- Confirming House (Which acts as an intermediary for trade in foreign and

domestic importers are responsible for the shipment of goods and payments to

- Buying Agent (acting as agent for one or more selected overseas buyers)
- Trading House (National efforts to collect goods for the purposes of the Export

and Import)
- Consignment Agent (acting as agent in the foreign country)
- Factor (Institute who agreed to purchase accounts receivable or export goods

that belong to

Exporter for later billed to the importer or buyer)
- Sole Agent (Agent Import single item)
- Manufacturer Representative (Representative factories that make goods)
- Import Merchant House (who make purchases abroad and incorporated into

the country for resale)
- Banks
- Freight Forwarder, EMKL / EMKU
- Airlines Shipping / Air
- Insurance
- Customs
- Embassy / Consulate General (Commercial Division of attaché)
- Surveyor (Agency inspection of goods)

to note in general that the way of payment in our services or order a car which the transaction can go through as follows:
- Advance Payment (Payment in advance by 50% and the rest is paid after the

Bill of Lading out or the goods have been shipped)
- Open Account (Payments later after the goods have been delivered and have a

bank guarantee / Guarantee Banks Note or a buyer agent in the production site

in progress)
- Collection Draft (Draft collection, usually the buyer has to know the prospective

seller / representative who can handle the cash transaction before the product

is processed)
- Consignment (Consignment, a shipment to be delivered / dijualkan first)
- Letters of Credit (using Documentary Sight L / C - Usance Documentary L / C -

Stand by L / C)
- Barter / Counter Trade
- Offset
- Counter Purchase
- Buy Back
- Barter consignment
- Advance Payment (payment is usually less than 100% and done in stages such

as: 60-95% and the rest use a collection drawee)
- Payment in cash (the Buyer has an agent in place of the seller)

Counter Trade: Payment of the price of imported goods paid for with goods in export value is the same. The exchange of these goods is based on trust without any guarantees payment from the Bank either in the form of guarantees and
L/C. Barter usually done at the same time, by means of state Export goods transporters return of transporting goods to the payment of import countries may also happen that goods are exchanged is still in process and in terms of
These goods are delivered by first needed to receive assurance (Performance Bond)

Counter Purchase (Purchase Return): Purchase is bound by 2 forms of contract, Contract Sale & Purchase Contract that is technically dependent on each other, namely the requirement to agree each purchase of goods between the two sides. thus if a country sells a product to another country so that other countries
must also buy the products of the country.

Offset (Compensation): which can be directly associated with the tools that are sold as a sub-contractor in the buyer country or place of payment transactions of 2 companies or countries that trade in a way that reflected in the Escrow Clearing Account (Special Account) in a third country.

April 10, 2011

Export,inc. - Handmade brews shop

Chocolatiers Chronicleshoppe - is the online by orders,
Chocolate candies hand brews (ready-to-eat) with many characters of cartoons and artistic models. Suitable for children under-ages 5+ years old. Very cheap and comfort for your tasty and maybe for souvenirs into your celebration events. If you had order in us, please email on, inexportcare@yahoo.co.id or dechocs@gmail.com

Ordered in reservation must 7 days before, minimum order 100 packs ( worldwide ) all term + condition w/ pics will arise.