Januari 11, 2012

Commercialounge | Export, inc. sheets for selling Coal Station of SEPCo, inc. - PT Grace Manunggal

Commercial Lounge | Export, inc. Sheets
Supreme Energies - Plantation Corporation, inc. - PT Grace Manunggal offers to you all, 
Steam Coal Station at East Borneo, Indonesia. predict of gross caloric value are 70.00 Kcal/Kgs. and more up. here they are our proposal with photos to invests studies ;

if you need information detail please write your tasking sheet at our mail box : SEPCo,inc. email or Maurice Duncan Koesoema email or PT Grace Manunggal email

many thanks for your visiting on our official blogsite of the Commercialounge | Export, inc. for your time too..

Sincerely yours,

Maurice Dun
Director of Export, inc. ( Indonesia )

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