Januari 20, 2011

World needs restart #Export inc 3

Step #3 : Giant company and Governments, please do some respectation to helped a some small-businness what their needs forms. Some tightly bureau, can't moves today! Do something respects to un-tightly for a while. And go cut off the taxes, and then after World has a new beginning movement. Government have a new rules.

Giant companies can realized World needs restart, retreatment technologies and not do lessing of qualities. Simple way to do with it, if we do some respected. Lessing the quantity of goods, make it better experience for cut off the expense spending. Giant companies must helped Small - Businness from the commonship and their creativities action. Needs re-studies for a larger networking between Giant and Tiny companies, can be a success way built up new Worlds better.

For a while, credit from a bank can use for make up the situation in undercontrol. If Government has re-act to make it easier. Change ! Are the motivation and reaction of the realities chains.
Energy drains off, because world need rest for a while, but life's must go on and on. Who's gonna believe this situation is? Famous products even going low today. Commonships needs do some respected about the qualities. But they don't get it? Simply question is, why we must lessing the quality and marks up the price is? Why we can't lessing our quantity for firstable step? Its your answer from the heart.

So, we all hoped together and wish our luck to do some respectation, and don't going to chaostic situation can make trouble. Let share and hard work to begins built new world's together.
World needs restart will be back after resouces have in successed later. We are hope to all, to makes everything undercontrols.

Thank you very much for your attention, From Indonesia with heart to revoluted Change inspiration can make it the new World's rules.
May God blessing our step, to always be positive thinking.

Best Regards,
Commercialounge | Export inc.

Aries K Koesoema
Director on board

2011 (c) Commercialounge | Export inc. Copyright reserved.

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