Januari 16, 2011

Commercialounge | Export inc. Phrase #1

Dear visitor,

Only for, Indonesian Miner and Transportation associate.

We are gathering on 1 motion, first, Export inc. Will needs kindly respect from you all about our false.
Now, we explained more to changed capacity for able with Cash Payment on any kinds transact on down below or up below from Indonesian.

Commercialounge | Export incorporated ( Indonesia - United State of America ) needs support from us, to agreed :

01. All open draft payable system must using
Standing Letter of Credit from Bank of
America ( BofA) or using banking from :
Indonesian Banking as like as Bank Negara
Indonesia 46 ( BNI 46 ) it should be with
Correspond Banking on Indonesian or from
United State of America. Its safely.

02. All Trader or Trading Company must assign
First on Indonesian ISO (newest) or
Patent markable from United State of
America. And have representative on the
Eastern Indonesia ( Surabaya International
City or other provinces ) to some provide
We not in cheating capacity to the others.

03. Request order from other countries, must
Have original signature from End User. If
End user needs helped by Trader on ASEAN,
Taking always some Identity and Corporate
Offers. Charge and fee of Trader must in
Paid advance 30% off ( #thirty percent# )
If end user used Export inc to guidance or
Indonesian trader, no service charge

04. bureau of inspection from Indonesian Trade
Attaches and Indonesian Tax Bureau.
Something on Government have re-act to
Quota export too. Company of Indonesian
Must follow with method of Businnessman
of the Republic of the Indonesia.

This opinion has been acceptable to raise and reach our commodity in safe. Without other nation can't reached us and we can manage all productivity and new stuff development too.
Rules are : if they ( end user ) won't to using ours, please REJECT the order. Export inc always watching on eye, to protect Indonesian Businnessmen and Companionship. Payment is Bewaring, to solve out it, we must to do using on top condition is.

Commercialounge | Export inc. Are Trade Company real from Republic of the Indonesia and vice controller at United State of America.
All commodities on Export must undercontroling by Indonesian Businnessmen. Let's begin on March 2011, arise with From Indonesian with Heart promos.

Thank you for your patiently and kindly respond to Commercialounge | Export inc. Update on January 17, 2011.

Best Regards,
Commercialounge | Export inc.

Aries K Koesoema
Director on board.

Direct message to » inexportcare@yahoo.co.id
2011 (c) copyright reserved. Trade mark reserved for logos on Commercialounge | Export inc. Trading Company ltd. US Pat. (Unreserved)

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